Just For Your Information

The contents of this blog includes ONLY my personal opinion and unless indicated does not include those of others.

SO why did I start this blog and whats with the name?

I started this blog because I actually love reading other people's blogs and ideas. I was really motivated after reading a friend's blog (littlemissandrea) and also for my upcoming trip to Asia. I realized I had a lot to say, and I took a lot of pictures. Therefore, it was obvious that BLOGGING might just be for me.

I want this blog to not only be a food blog but a blog for everything and for everyone. I want it not only to have good eats, fashion tips and beauty advice but also talk about day to day things, things that are important such as SUSTAINABILITY but also about my passions such as cooking, bento-ing, getting tattoos etc.

So expect many things and many topics for this blog.

I will try not to BORE you all.(and gain ridiculous amounts of weight ~.~)

SO WHATS WITH THE NAME? どうして どうして どうして どうして どうして///???
I have always loved velcros and zippers. I mean buttons are cute and all but I think that velcros and zippers add that extra little something to every day life if they are on your clothes on your shoes or used as a fashion statement. I think that this title shows how this blog is useful on a daily basis but also has that ZANG that velcros and zippers bring.

I try to make ADVENTURE wherever I go no matter the circumstances.


oh yes expect lots of ASIAN cliches and my love for HELLO KITTY
<PS. I am asian thats why I can't spell =) also stupid auto correct>

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