Thursday, March 14, 2013

Be proud a Canadian is on the ISS

Be proud to be Canadian.

Chris Hadfield takes command of the International Space Station same day the new pope got elected. (March 13, 2013) Kevin Ford passed his responsibly to Hadfield in a transfer of command ceremony.

Our new commander of the ISS is said to be an outgoing person, a people person and has a vision for the ISS. Even the Queen herself congratulated him on him entering this position. He is also the first Canadian to walk in space and hails from Ontario. This also marks a day of first like the election of the new pope (Pope Francis), Hadfield be came the first canadian to command the ISS Expedition 35.

Here is his page on the Canadian Gov Website: Click Here 


At age 53 he is still living his dream and orbiting the earth! He came from pretty humble beginnings and was in Royal Canadian Air Cadets. He went from there into Canadian Forces and even got a bachelors in mechanical engineering. He was also the director of operations for NASA in Russia.

Some pics I found online. He seems like a stand up fellow!

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