You don't have to be a glorified model to have a photo shoot. Take me for example I am not THIN to say the least nor am I over 5 foot 10. I am more of your average ASIAN who likes hello kitty and bubble baths. However, there comes a point in your life where you might have to participate in a photo shoot. IN MY CASE we had to pay for it and not get paid. SIGH
These photos were done in Taiwan. I have yet to find a place like this in Edmonton, the closest would be a BOUDOIR shoot ..... thats a bit more sexual then what I was going for.
FIRST OF ALL: the day before the photo shoot you really go to cleanse your skin I went for a face mask and also nose strips from BIORE. At this point in my life you can tell i was really into the sun since I am a good 4 shades darker than DUSTIN. (PS also do a deep cleanse after the photo shoot to clear your pores from all that CAKED ON MAKE UP)
(sorry for the sideways photo and you having to crank your neck)
NEXT STEP: I don't suggest you drink any AQUA/ water after 6 pm the night before or else you may end up looking bloated or loose sleeping when you keep having to get up all night to pee.
You should also get your nails done a few days in advance and choose a color that easily matches many outfits. SO DONT GO TOO CRAZY. I chose a nice purple hue with Swarovski gems on each finger. ( i didn't pay for this my aunt did but I don't think it cost more than 40 $ ~ things are so much cheaper in taiwan)
Next find a photo shoot place that has a make-up artist specially for you. Don't get one that is bouncing around doing everyone's make up. Also get one that seems like she knows what she is doing AKA she her self is pretty or has good make up on. Our makeup artist changed our make up every set for our photo shoot. She was also good with asking questions such as " is this ok?" " are you good with that style"

Next find a way to eat your lunch gracefully without ruining your FACE.
And make sure your photo shoot place carries lunch or gets you lunch. This is a whole day ordeal and you WILL need sustenance to keep going and looking good.
Posing is actually really hard.

Also make sure you get a good wing man for those outdoor shoots in case a HUGE RAIN SHOWER happens to occur. The shoes are also important though they should be dangerously high they should also be WALKABLE or even RUNABLE.
Dustin went for the sexy look in his kimono and we went for that biker ambience for this photo (right) ~ yah hub cap designs
I off course went for the cute look with my fake long wig (very japanese doll like) we went for the sexy adulterous scene in some back alley with a dim light (right)
Kimono all the way, I think they look better then the Chinese traditional CHI PAO. The long finger extension were a pain and the decorations in my hair were HEAVY HEAVY HEAVY I think I lost lots of hair here.
The above were some of the products of our HARD WORK AND LABOR.
These supposed effortless looks really requires alot of effort and attention. I was sweating under the lights too. Thank god for MAKE UP TOUCH UPS.
This is our grand finally a TESTAMENT TO OUR LOVE and it is blown up and hanging over our fire place to this day. Its very ARTSY FARTSY for sure.
BELOW are some candid shots done during the shoot (not professional)
strike some buffer poses they you don't want to have in your portfolio also you don't have to OPEN YOUR EYES real big for these shots. THANK GOD my eye balls hurt after the 10 hour session.
Pose randomly so if your photos turn out bad you at least got your own.
Make super funny faces while you still can to relax those jaw muscles so that WHEN YOU ARE ON SET you can PERFORM PERFORM PERFORM.
Be a camera whore and take tons of pictures of your DOLLED UP SELF. (esp if you are like me and don't make any effort usually)
NOTE: if you have eyelash extensions DO tell your makeup artist so they can be extra gentle with your eyes. This photo shows that I have long thick lashes when in truth the makeup artist was able to lightly add 2 more layers to my eye lash extension giving me that BAMBI eye look. (the look that makes boys buy things for girls) ~ yes that look does exist

After it all and after cleansing your face and taking a nice hot shower HAVE CAKE. This is from 85 degrees C cafe in taipei, a layered crepe like cake. DELICIOUS
There are many things you must watch out for when choosing a place to do your photo shoot. The quality of their photos, the quality of their equipment and setup and the quality of their photographers. No matter how hot or NOT you look, a GOOD photographer will make you look that much better but a horrible photographer can make even a victoria secret model look somewhat hideous.
When they tell you their are editing your proofs remember TOO MUCH editing and you don't look at all like yourself... DID YOU PAY 700 dollars to not look like yourself and people doubt you? Too little touch up and it looks like you tried to play dress up at home and shoot a video.
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