Have you ever felt insignificant or inferior to those around you? I think with the aid of social media, this phenomenon of feeling inadequate is amplified. Social media gives outsiders a view of the success, albeit the failure of others. Secretly, I think we become overjoyed at the failures of others, at their state of detriment. When we see others excel, and grasp their dreams we feel pangs of jealousy, surprise and even I daresay anger.
The pressures of society not to mention your own expectations and that of your family can create a chasm of doubt and feelings of insignificance. You look on your Facebook feed and see someone got into MED someone just got accepted before you in some prestigious post-secondary program. I feel as if your deepest fears come to light as you see the success of others. Looking at my previous post on "whats with all the popin" seeing other people's happiness can be detrimental to your health. You start looking deeper into their life be it their posts, their pictures and their comment to figure out what they got wrong and what you didn't.
You being to doubt your self worth and thinking how come I haven't been that lucky or how come these "good" things haven't occurred to me yet? The worst is looking and pondering late at night. All my fears just flood out, my lack of success, my lack of making a difference in the world. In the end, I think what is most important to me is to make an IMPACT, to be revered and to be remembered.
I am highly competitive and when I see others succeed where I have failed I start to think of factors to blame as to why I am THERE... I think of excuses and reasons but really in the dark of the night with dim glow of my mac screen I realize that really I failed because I didn't persevere and I didn't push. My biggest regret as of late is my LSAT exam. The last time I wrote I saw many people I knew from my past be it from past jobs, past schools or even friends of friends. I see on my social media feeds that "so and so" already got their letter and all the well knowing I haven't. In my mind I tell myself I will be ok and I tell others that this path that has befalling me is really the one I have chosen. It is indeed truth I need to volunteer more but, in truth that is not the only reason. Off course I would have loved to be accepted early, not knowing is really what is killing me.
The worst is the smallest ray of hope only to have it quashed at the last minute. So what should I do in the shadow of the success of others?
I must kick myself into action, must push myself till I can go no more so I can make something out of nothing and to really live up to my true potential. Why is it people live life "mediocrely" why is it they think that what they have is enough? I am not pushing for a materialistic drive but rather to KEEP BETTERING oneself, no one is perfect after all. I must strive, must grit my teeth and remember its a marathon not a dash.
I must make it...
There are so many who depend on me, who trust in me and expect things of me.
I cannot fail, not now not in the future.
Therefore, starting this coming monday it will be a new era?
I need to take action and stop idling by while others realize their dreams.
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