Wednesday, March 27, 2013

how to survive: that god-awful friend


NOTE: this is going to be a DEEP one

Ever felt like that "friend" of yours is actually a "mean girl". That behind every smile and every gesture she is actually undermining who you are and sabotaging your future. Ever feel that you had to keep that "friend" around because she knows all your other friends and she seems to have the upper hand in everything. I have had a few of those kind of "friends". They literally suck the life out of you, you don't know when they will strike next. At times they seem like your best friend, the whisper to you about how you guys will shape the world and how you and her are "the real deal".

This is the kind of friend who makes you feel good about yourself only to tear you down the next moment so that you realize SHE has all the power and SHE can affect you in any way she chooses.
This "friend" is often in disguise, she can be the one that is over the top nice always saying praises about you to your face but is spreading lies and horror stories about you behind your back. This is "the friend" that makes you do all the leg work telling you she will help you out and then takes all THE GLORY and leaves you in the dust.

There is this "one friend" in my life right now. She comes across as fun, bubbly and "will do anything" for you type. She hides behind her supposed innocence and lack of cultural understanding but in reality she knows how to make people do her work. She constantly talks about how "well connected" she is, name dropping this and that and who and what. She causally mentions how wealthy she is all the time and how she feels for me and my "desperate" situation.

I think friendship is a give and a take but when it becomes all give or all take IT MUST END. This "friend" of mine constantly puts up promises or return... "if you do this for me" ... I will.... But she never follows through. Don't underestimate her, she may look like she is harmless but NO she is always conniving always finding a way to BE ON TOP. She will listen in our your conversations and BUTT in when she isn't asked. She will then put you down in front of others or cut you out of the conversation.

What can you do when you have this kind of a "friend" who lies to you, takes advantage of you and puts you down. I guess one problem lies in yourself, why do you still keep this "Friend" around? Simple answer is, the consequences of not keeping her around. You let that girl run free and she will try and make your life hell, you think she is making your life miserable now or spreading lies about you wait till you tell her to her face how horrible she is.

The way to handle or "HOW TO SURVIVE that GOD AWFUL FRIEND" is really to beat her at her own game. To stand up for yourself and give her a taste of her own medicine. I guess this is exactly what Lindsay Lohan did in her movie MEAN GIRLS. The key is to remember who your real friends are and keep them close.

Maybe this will come to bite me later on in life  but for now, I am going to stand up and WHEN SHE PUTS ME DOWN in front of others, taking my hard work and success as her own. I will put her in her place. I must keep telling myself to not let her cheat off of me, not let her make me do her homework. She is only nice to you when she has no one else around.

So how to survive that GOD AWFUL FRIEND?
You can A. tell her off out right and see a semester filled with drama.
               B. ignore it and keep letting her ride you and feel like shit all the time
              C. beat her at her own game and NEVER let your guard down.

This is the friend that will hate you and try to sabotage your success so don't feel bad giving her a TASTE of her own medicine.

*note: I am not saying to be cruel or mean, just to stand up for yourself... If she tells the professor she did all the work when she did none, plaining state she is lying right then and there. I am sure it will make you feel that much better instead of bottling it up and hating on someone else.

** keep you friends close but your ENEMIES even closer**

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